WWF Donors Group roundtrip With Dato Dr.Mikail Kavanagh 8 days.
It has been quite some time that I have not been updating my blog as per my busy schedule and not so much interesting fotos taken the last few months. However this time with this WWF Donors Group roundtrip program for 8 days has been quite an interesting sightings especially today where we sighted the super rare ground cuckoo and plus others which some are rare and beautiful.
This group of interesting people whom I am taking are supporters and Donors to WWF UK which are going to support the fundings of Heart of Borneo program. This program will somehow help to protect the core of Borneo's remaining Forest to save the key species of animals of Borneo in particular Orangutan, Borneo Elephants and Sumatran Rhino. By protecting this key species it will then also protect the same habitat for other endangered animals of Borneo such as Clouded Leopard, Malayan Sun Bear rare Sunda Ground Cuckoo and many more o the list.Dato Dr. Mikail Kavanagh who is leading the group is the former CEO WWF Malaysia now retired and kind enough to spend his time to take us around to show areas of his work before. Organizer of this group to come here in Borneo is Ms. Anna Morling from WWF UK of whom was also here last year with a group of same itinerary. The Donors are Mr.David Smith (UK), Mr. & Mrs.Michael & Hermione Ruddell (UK), Mr. Jonathan Hancock & partner Ms. Stephanie Wong Hong Kong).On our 5th day in Sabah- at Menanggul River in Sukau Kinabatangan, on an early morning cruise I then spotted some big birds like wild fowls flying over the tree tops by the side of the river. At first I was not aware of what it is and thought it was some kind of hornbill. It then jumpoutof the trees to the side and it is the Sunda Ground Cuckoo. A pair of them playing around as it the male it trying to court the female by flapping the wings and tail. It was a shocking moment for me and for the rest of the group to find this rare and almost extinct bird. It was almost the same place where i saw the Cuckoo in septenbre 2007. However thistime I got a better picture of it. Please See the picture below.Please click to enlarge it.
Sunda(Borneo) Ground Cuckoo - A very rare sighting and almost extinct
Spotted by John Prudente at Menanggol River Sukau Kinabatangan with WWF Donors Group
Sunda(Borneo) Ground Cuckoo - A very rare sighting and almost extinct
Spotted by John Prudente at Menanggol River Sukau Kinabatangan with WWF Donors Group
A morning cruise at Menanggol River Sukau Kinabatangan River Sabah.
Also I would like to add my big Thank you to KK Tours and Travel S/B for Organizing this trip and not forgetting Audley Travel UK for putting up all WWF UK and Scotland groups to Sabah from March to May 2008. WWF Sabah had also put up a tremendous effort in Escorting the group and providing enough support both form the office Staff and also the field staff to make sure all guest are well taken care during their stay in Sabah. Everyone had played their role successfully and managed the group professionally to make WWF donors program a Success. This program had reach its purpose and everyone is Happy about it. Hoping there would be such a group again in near future.